Home > Published Issues > 2023 > Volume 12, No. 4, July 2023 >
IJEETC 2023 Vol.12(4): 245-256
doi: 10.18178/ijeetc.12.4.245-256

Power, Performance and Area Analysis of Sponge Based Lightweight HASH Function

Heera G. Wali* and Nalini C. Iyer
School of Electronics and Communication, KLE Technological University, Hubli, Karnataka, India

Manuscript received December 2, 2022; revised February 3, 2023; accepted February 12, 2023.

Abstract—The Internet of Things refers to uniquely distinguishable devices communicating with each other. Communication is largely on resource-constraint devices which would generate large volumes of data, the security, authenticity, and integrity of devices being essential. SPONGENT-88 variant of the SPONGENT family is a lightweight Hash algorithm suitable for authenticating resource-constrained devices in an IoT environment or WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) as it has the smallest footprint in comparison with the sponge-based Hash algorithm. Conventionally most of the security primitives are realized using more sequential logic which leads to an increase in the area occupied and latency. This work proposes a serialized architecture with a balance in sequential and combinational logic that uses lesser flipflops with a 21% increased performance for throughput/slice in comparison with reported works on target LUT-6 technology on FPGA, realized on the 14.2 ISE design suite. The work has a 4.6% decrease in quiescent power and dynamic power reported on the 14.2 ISE design suite for LUT-6 technology. This work has also achieved a Gate-Equivalence (GE) utilization for the proposed design on TSMC180 technology for a data path of 88-bit, while the proposed work reports 1204GE. In this work, a scaled-up architecture of the proposed SPONGENT-88 is realized for SPONGENT-128 and SPONGENT-224 as these variants provide improved security bound and is in comparison with the security provided by SHA-1 and SHA-2 algorithms. The scaled architecture for the latter variants of SPONGENT algorithms has achieved reduced Gate-Equivalence (GE) in comparison with the reported work.
Index Terms—Hash algorithm, lightweight authentication, sponge-based authentication

Cite:Heera G. Wali and Nalini C. Iyer, "Power, Performance and Area Analysis of Sponge Based Lightweight HASH Function," International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 245-256, July 2023. Doi: 10.18178/ijeetc.12.4.245-256

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