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Performance Indices Evaluation of Cascade Controller Tuning Method Based on Soft Oscillation Index

Vu Thu Diep 1 and Phan Duy Hung 2
1. Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
2. FPT University, Hanoi, Vietnam

Abstract—Control systems act as the nervous system for an industrial plant as they provide sensing, analysis, and control of various physical processes. Tuning them is the art of selecting values so that the controllers will be able to eliminate an error quickly and precisely to ensure the process variables stay within a pre-determined stability margin. That can be a painstaking process as it depends on the architecture of the control system and the controller design method. This paper describes a cascade-controller design based on soft oscillation index, with details for tuning them on the basis of stability margin. Using the same stability margin, this work provides analytical comparisons of performance indices in comparison with other well-known tuning methods. 
Index Terms—Cascade controller, controller tuning, performance indices, soft oscillation index

Cite: Vu Thu Diep and Phan Duy Hung, "Performance Indices Evaluation of Cascade Controller Tuning Method Based on Soft Oscillation Index," International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 324-330, September 2020. Doi: 10.18178/ijeetc.9.5.324-330

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