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Modeling of Requirement-Based Effect Chains of Mechatronic Systems in Conceptual Stage

Mohamad W. Chamas 1 and Kristin Paetzold 2
1. BMW Group, Munich, Germany
2. Universität der Bundeswehr München, Munich, Germany

Abstract—As a result of new challenges such as E-mobility and autonomous driving in the automotive industry, the amount of functions in vehicles increases rapidly. Accordingly, the development of mechatronic systems needs new methods towards a function oriented way in order to reduce the complexity. Due to the typical bottom-up development in the automotive sector the aspect of vertical traceability in requirement engineering is incomplete. This paper presents a new methodical concept for modeling of effect chains to support the domain independent view for functional modeling in conceptual stage. Based on effect chains a systematic and structured approach is defined to derive functional requirements. In conclusion, this builds the basis for a more efficient development of functional requirements in conceptual stage. 
Index Terms—conceptual design, effect chains, functional requirements, model-based systems engineering

Cite: Mohamad W. Chamas and Kristin Paetzold, "Modeling of Requirement-Based Effect Chains of Mechatronic Systems in Conceptual Stage," International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 127-134, July 2018. Doi: 10.18178/ijeetc.7.3.127-134