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G Gayathri, K Sindhu Bharathi and C Kamal
UG Scholar, Jeppiaar Institute of Technology.

Abstract—This paper proposes a new railway electrification system in which the basic building block is using convertors. In the proposed system the architecture of electrification system is done using VSC (Voltage Source Convertor) and SEPIC (Single Ended Primary Inductance Coil Convertor). The VSC-based unified scheme will substantially facilitate the connectivity among otherwise heterogeneous railway systems, while the integration of distributed generation and storage is achieved in a straightforward fashion. The need for a supervisory control system, and its role in coordinating is done using local VSC controllers, so that the resulting power flows are optimized while the catenary voltage is kept within limits, are discussed. SEPIC converter is used to increase or decrease the voltage. The SEPIC converter allows a range of dc voltage to be adjusted to maintain a constant voltage output. The proposed railway electrification paradigm is compared with existing MVDC (Medium Voltage DC)architecture compared with the standard 25-kV, ac electrification system by means of real case study.

Index Terms—Terms-VSC convertors, SEPIC convertors, MVDC converter

Cite: G Gayathri, K Sindhu Bharathi and C Kamal, "A MODIFICATION OF RAILWAY ELECTRIFICATION SYSTEM USING CONVERTOR," International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 367-375, March 2015.